Looking For Something?

About Me

I am NOT a chef, culinary student, professional pastry chef or any other formally trained food manipulator. I am the co-owner of Crucial Element Productions and CAKE! Dessert Design Studio. I can plan it, cook it, bake it and make it look pretty. Did I mention I love to eat?! If they had a 12 step program for Cakaholism I'd probably need about 15 to kick the habit. Decided to let my addiction become my pastime and eventually my paycheck.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

It's Official! CAKEDDS.com is up!

One step closer to awesome.....

We took the free route. We did the Facebook page and obviously we did the blog. Now the official CAKE! Dessert Design Studio website is alive and kicking.

Here you'll get a little taste of the personalities behind the company as well as a peek at some of our work.

On a completely unbiased note, I find the site quite sexy!

Stop in, have a look around, peruse some contraband and enjoy the deliciousness that is CAKE!

Stay Cakin

Thursday, June 10, 2010

A Penny For Your Thoughts

Stressed spelled backwards is
D E S S E R T S.... Think on that one.

It's definitely a love/hate relationship.

Stay Cakin'

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Bronwen Webber Comes to NYC!!

Have I told you how much I LOVE Meetup? Well the New York Cake Decorators gave me two more reasons this past Sunday when they brought Bronwen Webber and her husband Francois Long all the way from their shop Frosted Art in Dallas, TX for a full day workshop.

The topic of this 8 HOUR extravaganza was airbrushing and cake carving and who better to learn from than two of the best doing it? Exactly....

After some extensive discussion and practice on the art of airbrushing we started carving our cakes into Geishas. Yes, I said it CARVING A CAKE INTO A GEISHA!!!! C'mon how difficult could it be? (Insert dripping sarcasm here). As if we didn't already know, this is where the class discovered just how SICK this woman is when it comes to caking. She was able to do hers in like 30 minutes while the rest of us cried, threw temper tantrums or just stood there dumbfounded. I'm pretty sure I performed some strange combination of the three.

We were all so into our cakes that the majority of us ran out of time before we could finish. Bronwen's was GORGEOUS of course. Mine, not so much.

To me it ended up looking more like an angry samurai than a demure Geisha. (Remember that whole PRACTICE thing I talked about earlier? Yea, gotta do that.) It's a work in progress....

At the end of it all it was well worth fighting the ridiculous NYC traffic (stupid street fair) and the heat and parking in a pile of glass so I didn't have to spend more money for a garage (in Jersey we have these things called parking lots and they're FREE. Somebody wanna break the news to New York?) to learn from these great artists. And yes, I'd do it all over again if they decided to come back hint, hint...

Obviously this was pre meltdown lol. Ok, it was more like a very frustrated drip.

Anyway, follow Bronwen on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/pages/FROSTED-ART-BAKERY-STUDIO/164192857668?ref=ts&v=wall

Or visit her website at http://www.frostedart.com/

Stay Cakin'

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

CAKE! Loves the Kids

On Friday June 4th Julius Bellamy, co-owner of CAKE!DDS spoke to 2nd graders from Lincoln Elementary School for their annual career day. According to the teachers the purpose of career day is to give the students a chance to familiarize themselves with various career and begin to think about what they would want their ideal career to be in the future.

Mr Bellamy spoke about the art of cake baking, design, and the fun of being your own boss. The kids were more than ready for him with questions ranging from food allergies to what's the craziest cakes to his marital status. The presentation finished up with a mini slideshow of some of CAKE!s favorite creations and cookie samples for everyone.

Rumor has it the kids voted it as their favorite presentation!