Where to begin.....
I am NOT a culinary student, chef, professional pastry chef or any other formally trained food manipulator.
Now that that's out of the way.
I am a die hard, live it, love it, learn it foodie! I love to cook. I love to eat. I love to bake. I love to eat lol. I can't draw or paint but food is my art. The kitchen, both my studio and my laboratory. The home to my creativity. To me food is the expression of the most intimate and inate parts of a person. You create with as much of your soul as you do your hands and your senses. If you don't love what you're cooking or who you're cooking it for you will definitely know it, and chances are whomever you cooked it for will let you know your food sucks. Baking is the same way. If you don't feel like baking that cake, don't touch the mixer! Forcing it tends to lead to horrible food and overall culinary disaster...
How does any of that relate to this blog? Well, Cakin' & Designin' is about cakes (obviously!) and the fun and failure that goes with them. I've learned (and am still learning) to decorate thanks to a few craft store classes and something internal that makes this while thing click. Growing up surounded by food thanks to both parents being able to throw down in the kitchen (my house is affectionately known as the
Food Palace)
is making this experience a pretty smooth transition for me. One minute I'm working in an evil law office cubicle and the next I'm an event planner and cake designer doing quite well. I guess it goes back to that inate/natural thing I was talking about. Seems my dad teaching me to make biscuits from scratch when I was little wasn't a waste of time, just the beginning of a skill that would develop into something bigger down the line.
So.....that's the short version. Food is awesome. I like to make it look and taste great. Read my blog.