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About Me

I am NOT a chef, culinary student, professional pastry chef or any other formally trained food manipulator. I am the co-owner of Crucial Element Productions and CAKE! Dessert Design Studio. I can plan it, cook it, bake it and make it look pretty. Did I mention I love to eat?! If they had a 12 step program for Cakaholism I'd probably need about 15 to kick the habit. Decided to let my addiction become my pastime and eventually my paycheck.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Technical Difficulties.....

This post was supposed to be about the AMAZING tiered Capoeira cake I did for my daughters' Batizado. However, due to the fact that I managed to burn out 2 mixers in two days and couldn't finish the thing that will have to wait until another time.

A moment of silence please.....

Rest In Peace Oster & Proctor.

I guess they just couldn't handle the pressure....

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