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About Me

I am NOT a chef, culinary student, professional pastry chef or any other formally trained food manipulator. I am the co-owner of Crucial Element Productions and CAKE! Dessert Design Studio. I can plan it, cook it, bake it and make it look pretty. Did I mention I love to eat?! If they had a 12 step program for Cakaholism I'd probably need about 15 to kick the habit. Decided to let my addiction become my pastime and eventually my paycheck.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Just A Quickie

Hello All!

Just wanted to pop by with an informative tidbit. Cakin' will begin its tutorials very soon; the first one mostly likely to be the shoebox cake I just finished up. And there are lots more planned to follow so stay tuned.

On a side note:

This blog is in definite need of some feedback! Let me know what you want to know. Whether it's tutorials and educational info, upcoming events, more photos or just random cakery tell me what you want and I'll try my best to give it to you.

Well let me go before this turns into a full blown session! I'll be back but TTFN.

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