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About Me

I am NOT a chef, culinary student, professional pastry chef or any other formally trained food manipulator. I am the co-owner of Crucial Element Productions and CAKE! Dessert Design Studio. I can plan it, cook it, bake it and make it look pretty. Did I mention I love to eat?! If they had a 12 step program for Cakaholism I'd probably need about 15 to kick the habit. Decided to let my addiction become my pastime and eventually my paycheck.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Soaking It All In

Ok first let me apologize. I know my sporadic posting is annoying and it kinda defeats the whole purpose. It annoys me too! But now that I've caught up to the rest of the planet and figured out how to post from my phone I'll do better. I promise.

Now where have I been this last month? Cakin' of course lol. I've been taking as many classes as possible to keep the skills up and learn some new ones. Even the art of kitchen chemistry (ooh I like the way that sounds lol)takes practice.

I was fortunate to recently learn from some of the best doing it; Ms Colette Peters and Ms Charmaine Jones (DIVA! LOVE IT!) And even got into some airbrushing. I told you I've been busy.

Not only did I learn some amazing cakery from these ladies but they really teach you how to survive in all this yummy nonsense. That alone was worth the price of admission!

Since this is getting kinda long I'll go into all of the pretty details later. But in the meantime check out their stuff if you're not already a fan.

Ms Peters:

Ms Jones:

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